As Rare as a Blue Sky

OLD TIME RADIO FAVORITES Where Creeps the Shuffler! From the Casebook of Kidneypunch O’Sullivan Oh, Those Bulczywyczs! The Aaron’s Basinet Polish and Badney’s Consumption Grease Old-Time Variety Hunker-Down Hour Around-the-Barn News Farmer Seth’s Country Comedy Chiaroscuro Li’l’ Jinx and the Hard Luck Soup Kitchen Kids Trag McCrunley, Wharf Detective Weepie & …

Really Real

A TAXONOMY OF REALITY PROGRAMMING COMPETITIVE SHOWS: * People compete to win money > People compete to win the right to continue being on television * People compete in a performing talent show > People compete in a performing talent show with or against celebrities * People compete in a …


I don’t usually like going to public appearances by artists.  I don’t normally like readings; I don’t normally like director screenings; and I don’t normally like writer Q&As.  You’d think that I would; I used to be in the celebrity interview game, after all, and there’s nothing like talking directly …


Apparently there is much angst in the funny pages these days about the status of “Millennials”.  This is apparently a generation that happened when no one was looking, and it is a subject of some controversy whether this generation is the worst of all generations to have ever existed, or …

Gone Yard

It’s baseball season, and that, friends, is the best of all seasons. Baseball writers, who, given their love of a game that has historical weight over all other American sports, tend to be a poetic and sentimental lot, even more obnoxious than people who mark out over other sports.  They’re …

A History of American Scapegoatery

Decade: the 1770s Greatest Threat: the English Nature of Threat: British sought to place us back under the thumb of their imperial rule Consequences of Failure: we’d all be speaking English today Victor: America! Decade: the 1780s Greatest Threat: liberals Nature of Threat: Attempts to place too many restrictions on gun ownership and not enough restrictions on free …