Uberdanken vom Everest

I cannot, and will not, overemphasize the importance of critical thinking.  Language is a weapon, and what’s more, it’s really the only weapon we have against near-constant attempts to control the way we perceive the world.  Approaching every sentence one encounters with rigor, applying keen analysis of every word thrown …

Your Thanksgiving Moron: Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro, once America’s dumbest young right-wing pundit, is now America’s dumbest movie critic:  no one will hire him as a lawyer, so lately he’s been bumming around Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood site pretending to be a movie critic.  His latest column is a seen-it-a-million-times rant about how there are …

And now, another exciting edition of “Here’s The Thing”

Okay, here’s the thing.  Fiscal conservatives, usually those on the right-libertarian end of the spectrum, often claim that government should be run like a business.  Now, I don’t agree with this; I think business should be run like a business and government should be run like a government, because they …

PetardCast, Episode #4

The fourth episode of the increasingly infamous PetardCast features Minnesota-based pop music tyrant Nate Patrin, discussing nuclear attacks, Napoleon pockets, and hockey-based economies.  In addition, there is me with a crazy robot voice, and Celebrities Are Our Betters vanishes mysteriously into a cloud of comedy.  Listen at your leisure; it’s …

Oh the fun we have

I know you’ve all been waiting for high-larious chat transcripts about increasingly, and gratifyingly, obscure comic artists from Calamity Jon and myself.  Well, wait nae langer. Jon: It’s not that Rob Liefeld is drawing a story about Zombies fighting Jesus which I found surprising.  Because, come on, the intellectual dearth …

PetardCast, Episode #3

The third installment of the PetardCast features internationally renowned cartoon fellow, “Calamity” Jon Morris.  We discuss beer, romance and the Holocaust; I revise Shakespeare, and Sigourney Weaver plays ladies with the names of gentlemen.  Sound level issues continue to be a problem, but my cats resist all attempts to train …