
Another May Day come and gone and the foundations crumble just a little more.  What has the working class won since we last celebrated the busman`s holiday? What gains has it made, what victories has it won beyond the daily fight to stay alive and toil another day? Even the latter, …

The Spy Who Came in Through the Door (Upon Viewing Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)

It looks like the Russians let us down again. Of course, it was the bloody Russians letting us down in the first place that put the four of us here, in a second-rate room in a Hyatt Regency that disgraces the words “Hyatt” and “regency”. It was because they couldn’t …

Europe, Endless

As you may remember, at the start of the war against Iraq ten years ago, Donald Rumsfeld was asked about the widespread opposition to the invasion, especially in Europe, which stood in marked contrast to European support for previous American military endeavors.  His reply: “Now, you’re thinking of Europe as …