Beck and Call

It’s inevitable, in the face of any great political defeat or party realignment, for loyalties to get a bit shaky. Confusion rules the day, and the ally of yesterday is the heretic of tomorrow. Only a few months ago, when it looked like the Republican Party was about to shake …


Say, did you know that television has gotten really good now?  You bet your ass you did, because you’re alive and reading the internet.  You could no more be ignorant of the rise of Quality Television than you could of the existence of Pizza Rat, or of how Donald Trump is …

Honky Reduction

Barring a miracle, it is now a mere 30 days before overconfidence trickster/foundation abuser Donald Trump will assume the presidency of the United States.  The most important battle to be fought once that happens is building political organizations powerful enough to combat the damage he will be able to inflict …

Content Farm

The problem with writing a sequel to a legendary literary property is that it’s almost impossible to do it right, and if you beat the odds and manage it, you won’t get any of the credit.  For the original creator, the situation is already bad enough:  if your work is …