Sad Songs & Waltzes: Georges Brassens, Les Copains D’Abord

Even in the wicked world of chanson, where a borderline pedophile like Serge Gainsbourg or an accused Nazi collaborator like Maurice Chevalier can become a massive international superstar, Georges Brassens was an odd duck.  Born in the beach town of Sète (which he remembered fondly in song his entire life), …

You Think You’re So Smart: The Good Old Dais

I’ve always taken a special displeasure in the ‘things were better before’ approach to culture.  While it’s undeniable that taste is taste, it strikes me as a particularly lazy way to come at the world around you to simply let your tastes calcify without protest.  Sure, it’s hard to keep …

B List: How to Hate Music in Five Steps Or Less, First Lesson

1.  A popular band makes it a point while on tour to stick with performing material familiar to their fans, reckoning that this is what they most want to hear.  Detractors cite this as a reason the band is unadventurous, predictable, and dull. 2.  One night, the bandleader, deciding to …

Hello The Internet I Love You: Helpful Netflix User Reviews, #001

From “Peter9827″‘s review of Blues Brothers 2000: Alright Here is my review of Blues Brothers 2000 the sequel to the 1980 Classic the Blues Brothers Which was one of my favorites this also one of my favorites too.But Before I begin this review this movie has nothing to do with …