The Slave Mind

The news that Hillary Clinton, during her time as the First Lady of Arkansas, was in charge of a staff that consisted of unpaid prison labor is…well, not exactly news.  It’s a ‘revelation’ published in her own memoir, written and published over twenty years ago, and only recently rediscovered by a …

Deadly Quiet

I’m not normally a fan of horror movies.  Even when they’re well-executed, they tend to be all surface and no depth; they tell us nothing about the human experience beyond the sensation of fear and our capacity for cruelty, which isn’t something many of us need to be reminded of. …

Crashing Bore

I’ve always been a little distrustful of the critical language of rejection when it comes to our current wave of ‘difficult men’.  Sure, there’s no doubt that the last thing in the world we need is another story about misbehaving white males; it’s not like there’s a dearth of them. …

Ghost Capital

It may not be entirely fair to call French director Olivier Assayas, who has delivered some of the most thrilling as well as some of the most bewildering film of the past few decades, wildly inconsistent.  There is always, at least, a baseline of artfulness in his work that suggests …

Race to the Top

Ever since the 2016 election, when the Democratic establishment faced a surprisingly strong challenge from Bernie Sanders and his relatively mild form of economic leftism, liberal partisans have insisted that everyone in America is underselling the damage done by racism.  (Everyone, that is, except themselves.  No one rolls their eyes …