Comical books

My contributions to the most recent Comics Panel at the AVC:  Metalocalypse:  Dethklok #1, JLA/The 99 #1, 75 Years of DC Comics:  The Art of Modern Mythmaking; and Genius Isolated:  The Art and Life of Alex Toth.  Stick around for a headache-inducing argument about Stan Lee in the comments section!

NOTE:  I have removed all posts from this site regarding my work at the A.V. Club, as is only appropriate.  However, I have left this one up so as not to create the impression I am trying to erase it from the internet, or obscure my culpability.  My apology for my misdeed is in comments as well as reproduced below, and I stand by it.  Regardless of the status of this site, my regret for having done it will be eternal.

As those of you who have followed this link know by now, the review of the Alex Toth book was fabricated. I based it not on a reading of the book, but on secondary sources and second-hand information. This is unforgivable, absolutely the worst thing a critic can do, and my association with the AV Club is at an end because of it.

That I had never done it before and will never do it again is meaningless. The fact is, I did it, and by doing so, I scuttled 20+ years of tireless work as a writer and did my reputation near-irreparable harm. Worse, though, I damaged the credibility of the AV Club, the finest publication I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, in a way that they in no way deserved. I caused them no end of headaches through a rash, impulsive, and foolish decision.

There is no excuse for my behavior, so I offer none. I can only apologize to the AV Club staff, to IDW Publications and the authors of the book, and to all those who have read and supported my work in the past. I’m sorry for my unaccountable, stupid actions, and urge you not to bear the AV Club any ill will, but to place all the blame with me, where it belongs.


  1. Disco Sucks

    Leonard, your tastes were always a great contrast to the other writers on the site, your writing crisp and your love for whiskey made you feel like a compadre. Good luck in the future, may this lapse in judgment end up spurring you on to greater things.

  2. Shit McFuckenstein

    This is bullshit. I can see AVC’s point of view but come on. This is a small mistake. Unless this a cover up for a break room groping?

  3. skinny malinky

    Mr. McFuckenstein, this wasn’t a small mistake. By Leonard’s own admission above, this is “absolutely the worst thing a critic can do.” If he hadn’t have been fired, the AV Club would have lost whatever credibility it had built up over the years. Firing Pierce was their only choice; he forced their hand.

  4. Yoko Homo

    It’s unfortunate that things had to go down this way, on all counts. Bonus points however for a very honest and very classy confession, you’re an incredibly talented writer, you work for the AV Club will be missed. Best of luck in your future endeavors, you’ll land on your feet.

  5. This fucking sucks LP. I’ll miss you on AVC and what happened is now in the past so all you can do is move forward. Keep doing what you do best, bringing joy to folks with the written word and if worst comes to worst move out to Arizona and I’ll hook you up with a gig editing legal briefs. Stay cool bro and keep your head up.

  6. Devin

    Jesus Christ. You fucked around on deadline and reviewed a fucking Alex Toth funny book. Big fucking deal. I say this as a paid writer, comic artist, comic fan, and AV Club fan. C’mon.

    You’re a great writer. It’s a total bummer to see you go, but you’ll likely go on to bigger and better things. Everyone tsk-tsk’ing likely didn’t even read the fucking piece in the first place. Or noticed.

  7. Fast Zombie

    skinny malinky, Most people, including LP aren’t disagreeing with the main points, but this ain’t the time or place for tough love. We aren’t his best buddies — just online hanger-ons who like his writing. And as such we can just let him know how much we appreciate his work. One fuck-up notwithstanding.

  8. def

    You were one of the writers that got me hooked on the site. I hope you can be rehired on a non-review basis, or something of the sort. The site needs a solid comic-nerd on hand at all times.

    Like most of the posters here, I can understand there was a fuck-up, and hope to be reading you at the other end of this.

  9. St. God

    I’m sorry to hear about this, LP. I greatly enjoyed your writing over at the AVC. People make mistakes; this was perhaps a careless one, but I truly hope you’ll be fine. And people deserve second chances – so a big ‘fuck you’ to Aaron Poehler up there (and Aaron honey, after looking at your blog, well, I wouldn’t be eager to post the link to it in comments; and I sincerely hope no one actually pays you to write, because Jesus God, you suck a fatter dick than Necrobutcher). And “skinny malinky” and whoever else made similar comments – I’m absolutely sure you’ve never made a mistake in your professional life, right? If you haven’t, well, good for you. I doubt you haven’t, though, so shut the fuck up. People deserve second chances. People make mistakes.

    Leonard, I’m hoping you get a second chance. Let us know where and when and I’m sure many of us will show our support.

  10. Hey God

    Yeah, and the majority of us don’t get the kind of hero worship Pierce is getting when we fuck up.

    Yes, he’s a very talented writer, but I’ve never seen people cue up so eagerly to cut someone some slack. I can only assume that everyone here is in some cushy job where mistakes are tolerated, because I can sure as hell tell you that if I pulled a Pierce I’d be out on my ass and No One but No One would come rushing to my side.

    I really hope he lands on his feet, but far more so I hope the AV Club doesn’t lose readership because of his fuck-up or his absence. It kinda creeps me out that everyone rushes to the guy’s blog not to accept his apology, but in many cases to tell him his crime wasn’t that great and the apology wasn’t really required.

    That’s nuts, and it’s way undeserved.

  11. Dark Passengerside Airbag

    The prevailing sentiments from readers seem to be:

    – it was a serious mistake
    – which was handled correctly and professionally by AV Club
    – and we wish LP the best in moving past this and continuing in a different venue the writing so many of us have enjoyed

    Nothing wrong (or irreconcilable) about these sentiments, far as I can see.

  12. Hey God

    You don’t think it’s more than a little unjust that in the process, the AV Club loses out?

    They’ll survive, but they’ll take a hit. Morally they had to impeach the Pierce. But if everyone goes off to enjoy Pierce’s writing in a new place, the only people taking the hit are the employers that he so senselessly screwed.

    The only honourable thing for Pierce to do is to take a leave from any writing-related employment for say, 6 months minimum.

  13. Yes, he’s a very talented writer, but I’ve never seen people cue up so eagerly to cut someone some slack. I can only assume that everyone here is in some cushy job where mistakes are tolerated, because I can sure as hell tell you that if I pulled a Pierce I’d be out on my ass and No One but No One would come rushing to my side.

    I suspect this says far more about you than it does Leonard.

  14. Arsenio Billingham

    I feel like it’s my duty to express my support as well, being an AV Club regular and such, and being so fond of Leonard’s work. Whether or not what got him fired was magnificently stupid doesn’t overshadow the fact that I’m gonna miss him writing there. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with him in some regard (maybe even here?)

    Keep your chin up, man.

  15. Hey God

    Eh, not how I meant it, mightygodking. I have plenty of friends who I could count on to show me sympathy and support, but I wouldn’t expect it from any of them, and in a professional capacity (which is what I meant above) I’d expect to be essentially exiled for quite some time. Rightfully.

    Ta for deciding I’m an ass, though.

  16. Long TIme Lurker, 1st Time Poster

    So bummed to hear that you were handed your walking papers, my man. I sincerely hope that you pick yourself up, brush yourself off and continue doing what you were obviously meant to do… write about kick-ass metal.
    Metal Box has introduced me to so much cool shit that I can’t thank you enough. I looked forward to reading it every month.
    Good luck and keep your chin up.

  17. Pingback: Active Weekend LinkBlogging: Review Ethics, New Roles for Old Friends, More » Comics Worth Reading

  18. Incitatus

    Leonard – just wanted to add my voice to chorus of those who will miss your work on AVC. I am sorry your relationship had to end on such a sour note. You have talent as a writer; I hope you’ll put it to better use in your next gig.

  19. thewarfreak

    Goodbye, Leonard Pierce…though I never knew you at all, you had the grace to hold yourself – while those around you crawled.

    Wait, that came out wrong – – – I mean, I will miss your writing. You were one of the good ones.

  20. partdavid

    Just wanted to add my scribbling to those who enjoyed your contribution to the AV Club, and is sorry you let the AV Club, your readers, and most of all yourself, down in this way. Your voice is distinctive and entertaining and I for one would love to read you as a memoirist.

  21. Middle Manager

    I knew Leonard was a kindred spirit when I read his contribution to the inventory about alcohol consumption (last Xmas, I think?)

    Anyway, let me pile onto the love for Metal Box and his great writing on books, movies and tv shows.

    Please let us know where you land so we can follow you there.

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