The Sum Never Sets

Since 1583, the British Empire has been a name you can trust for all your industrial, cultural, and brown-people subjugation needs.  We’ve brought you the railroad, tbe spinning jenny, the difference engine, and the electronically controlled bassoon, not to mention William Shakespeare and a little show called Doctor Who.  Whether we’re …

Batman Minus Batman

As has been discussed here and elsewhere ad nauseam, when you are dealing with certain pop-cultural icons, they belong to everyone, regardless of the opinions of their corporate attorneys.  Like any other mythological figure, from Odin to Jesus to Sherlock Holmes, there is no really ‘right’ or ‘correct’ interpretation of the …

You’ll Wonder Where the Humor Went

UNHELPFUL MNEMONICS 1.  Every Grotesque Ballardian Describes Fascism 2.  Malicious Vegetables Elude Motorist Junkers’ Stronghold?  Ultimately, No. 3.  Klonopin Is Salacious, Shalimar 4.  Thirty days hath September, quickly grasp my throbbing member, slide your hand ‘pon thither and yon, then consult this sheet of paper I have written the number of …