The Most Beautiful Fraud: The Master

Modern cinema, from the blockbusting franchise entries of the ‘vulgar auteurs’ to the artsy but profitable realm of the self-contradictory indie giants, has of late become the realm of miniaturists.  From Zack Snyder, the marketing-anointed visionary of hyperrealist action, to Wes Anderson and his delicately crafted chamber pieces, directors have …

Stick It In

While I’ve always been opposed to the death penalty, I cannot say it has always been for lofty moral reasons.  I’m certainly not opposed to killing in self-defense, and there are absolutely a lot of people who will leave the world significantly improved once they are rotting away in a …

Married By Cambodia

“”I always had a hard time meeting chicks.” “Yes, I see.” “I mean, not for the reasons you’d think. I’m not shy or anything. And I’m pretty good-looking.” “Hmmm.” “You don’t think I’m good-looking?” “I have no opinion.” “I don’t mean to sound egotistical or anything. I just think that you …