It’s the Return

Oh, hello!

You’ve probably noticed that Leonard Pierce Dot Com is back. You’ve probably also noticed that it’s gotten a whole new look, which is very exciting, and that some of the functionality is broken and a lot of the image links don’t work and a lot of the posts have a generic-ass image of rainy headlights, which is even more exciting.

So what’s going on? Well, after months of being so gosh darn busy that I didn’t have time to change my socks, I’m finally back at the blogging game. I’ll be doing some extensive updates of LP.COM, including an easier way to search the archives, a new category block so you can read (for example) all my TV writing, humor, or political pieces at once, and of course, tons of new content. I’ll be updating at least once every three days, and if you’re a Patreon subscriber, you’ll be getting expanded and prettied-up versions of every piece and bonus content as well. 2019 is gonna be a real fun time around here.

If you’ve been reading this side for some time, thanks for sticking around. If you were away for a while and are just now coming back, I can relate — welcome home. And if you’re new to the site, hi there! I’m Leonard Pierce, and I kinda hate social media* and what it does to the quality of writing and content curation on the internet, so I’ve been maintaining a blog for, oh, gosh, close to a dozen years now. I write stuff on here about whatever inspires me to write: there’s a lot of (mostly socialist) politics, but there’s also film writing, reviews of books and TV, gaming (tabletop RPGs, mostly), fiction, sport, short humor, and goodness knows what else. Well, I guess, technically, I know, but what do you want, a breakdown of everything I’m ever going to write? Let a little surprise into your life why don’t you.

In addition to my Patreon (supporters of which are the finest people on this Earth), you can also commission me for work — I’m a freelance writer, editor, and proofreader of over 20 years’ experience, and you yes you can hire me! Check out my portfolio page for information about what I’ve done in the past. You can also hire me for an actual job! I know, there are no actual jobs anymore. But just in case one shows up, you can look at my CV and decide to give me the possibility of a retirement plan that doesn’t involve an opioid overdose. What if you want to buy a book? Who cares. But what if you want to buy a book I wrote? Well, you can do that! There’s a few of them! They’re pretty good! It’s the 20th anniversary of The Sopranos, so if you’re eager to read a book about it that never once mentions the stupid goddamn “is Tony alive?” bullshit, I wrote one. If you’re a big fan of paying people to do really weird shit for you, like name your child or fuck around in your kitchen or drive your loved ones insane, well, I can do all that too, just by clicking on that “SERVICES” link up top. And hell, if you really want to read more social media stuff, you can even do that. Twitter will never stop being my heroin.

I know this is a short entry, but I’m still on my holiday break. Once I get home to Chic, this site is just gonna go coo coo banan-nan with fascinating new content. I’m gonna do more writing this year than I have in decades, so get your tickets (note: there are no tickets) now. Leonard Pierce Dot Com is gonna be the place to be in 2019, and I hope you’re here for it. Love you, comrades.

*: Only partly true but this ain’t therapy