The Sandwich Century – #6: The Bologna Sandwich

Note:  due to some ingredient acquisition issues, the Sandwich Century project is going to go off-book as far as alphabetic order for a week or so.  We’ll try and set things right by the next entry. There are certain things that come to possess an iconic status not because of …

You Think You’re So Smart: How Fat? Fat Like a Cow?

Humans are the only animals that can make metaphors or moral judgments.  Unfortunately, we make far too few of the former and far too many of the latter.  The appealing thing about placing social problems in a moral context is that it allows you to start ignoring the problem; if …

Read a Book, Why Don’t You: Under the Dome

I want to like Stephen King.  I really, really do. He’s undeniably an important writer, at least insofar as he’s written a ton of books that have sold enormously well, and become virtually synonymous with “contemporary American novelist”.  He’s managed to remain successful even in a terrible downtime for fiction, …

You Think You’re So Smart: Critical Failure

“I never met anybody,” Richard Pryor once pointed out, “who said when they were a kid:  I wanna grow up and be a critic.”  Did he ever meet anyone who said ‘I wanna grow up and watch movies and listen to music and read books all day’?  That will remain …

The Sandwich Century: #1 – The American Sandwich

After a half-century of perceived American cultural hegemony, Europeans feel the need to get back at us in any way that they can.  You really can’t blame them; after endless decades of ruling the world, here we come with our fat loudmouthed tourists and our Big Macs, ruining everything, and …

The Most Beautiful Fraud: Nightmare Alley

Judging a movie by its potential is probably skirting the edge of fairness, but the creepy 1947 carnival-noir Nightmare Alley tempts pretty strongly in that direction.  The feeling it finally leaves you with is an unsatisfying one, both in the way it frequently opens up possibilities it doesn’t quite live …

You Think You’re So Smart: Greetings from America’s Second-Dumbest City

The other day, which by my reckoning could have been anywhere between last Thursday and Thanksgiving of 2004, I was talking with a good friend about the Daily Beast’s annual ranking of the smartest cities in America.  Although my stomping grounds of San Antonio ranked 54th out of 55, that …